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He was born in 1985 in Turkey, Kocaeli. He worked as a cameraman for various TV and production com-panies. Film articles were published on various websites and in a national newspaper. Kahraman, who also has a play called 'Metro' and a story book called 'Snails', has made various short films and documentaries. Kahraman, who previously studied Economics, Play Writing and Sociology. graduated from Information-Document Management. Currently working on a feature film project, Kahraman still writes Detective Books. The detective novel 'The Snail That Chop Off it's Own Head' is the third detective novel he wrote after Helena Anentome and The Black Spot in Shukalki's Right Eye.
"Oh yes, sometimes I'm a funeral director. I give entirely troll interviews just to laugh at the thieves and fools who boast from above." to get a visa...also yeah
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